A rigid routine or ritual, like perfectly aligning objects in order or strictly observing a specific time to do things, may appear disturbing to some. Still, for people with autism disorders, it creates a bubble of safety that eases their anxiety and gives them comfort.
Changes in familiar places, activities, or people, no matter how slight, can create an emotional disturbance that will cause them to cave in or feel instability.
Moving into a new house with a new neighborhood, switching jobs, or canceling plans can make them restless. However, we must recognize that only some things will go according to plan. Some are beyond our control. Part of our mental health services in Manchester, NH, is helping families and friends deal with what happens if things go awry.
For example, their most awaited trip to the park gets delayed because of transportation problems. You can indulge them in some stories on what they expect or answer questions they may have. You can also set expectations for them so there’ll be fewer surprises that would unsettle them.
Providing a support system will boost their behavioral health when dealing with changes.
Access Mental Health Services offers psychotherapy that will accommodate your loved one’s thinking style, which would help them respond better.
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